Proma Pro Patch 10 kg (22 lb)
Patch from featheredge up to 12 mm (1/2″) in a single application FAST-SETTING: install flooring after only 60 – 90 minutes Mix with water or PRO PATCH LIQUID™ for increased performance For interior institutional, commercial and residential applications Compatible with...
- Patch from featheredge up to 12 mm (1/2″) in a single application
- FAST-SETTING: install flooring after only 60 – 90 minutes
- Mix with water or PRO PATCH LIQUID™ for increased performance
- For interior institutional, commercial and residential applications
- Compatible with all adhesives and floor coverings including wood parquet and rubber
- Mix with PRO PATCH LIQUID™ as an embossing leveler
- Blocks pH when installed greater than 5 mm (3/16″) thick
- Will not promote mold, mildew or bacteria growth
- No VOC
- Product characteristics improves indoor air quality compared to Portland cement-based products
- Eco friendly for users of the material
- Contributes to LEED® objectives and requirements
PRO PATCH™ is a fast-setting, fast-curing, polymer-modified, professional-grade, calcium aluminate cement-based patching compound that, when mixed with water, is designed to fill cracks, depressions, voids and holes in a substrate up to 12 mm (1/2″) deep. PRO PATCH™ can also be mixed with PRO PATCH LIQUID™ for increased bond strength, flexibility and working time; and for use as an embossing leveler over conventional and non-conventional substrates prior to the installation of a floor covering (see respective data sheet and PROMA’s Surface Preparation Guidelines for details).
10 year warranty when mixed with PRO PATCH LIQUID.